Soup-er Celebration (Soup, Bread, and Book Sale and Event)
February 18, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
- This event has passed.
The Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries will be hosting a second Souper Celebration: Soup, Bread & Book Sale at the CarrabelleBranch Library, 311 St. James Avenue, on Saturday, February 18, 2023, from 10 am- 2 pm with delicious homemade soups, freshly baked artisan bread, baked goods, vintage books, live music, art and more. The proceeds from this event support the local library programs in Eastpoint and Carrabelle.
Local residents and businesses bring their delicious made-from-scratch soups like seafood gumbos, seafood bisques, chuck wagon chili, Brunswick stew, and more, and freshly baked artisan bread for the Friends volunteers to sell. Past years featured a dozen different soups ranging from exotic to healthy to old-fashioned. The soups and bread sell out very fast so visitors are encouraged to come early to get the best selection. Vintage and used books and used DVDs for all ages are also available for purchase.
This event will also offer a focus on local culture and art, with live music from Kevin Andrew and Rockulla Music. In addition, local artists and artisans from the Carrabelle Artist Association and the Lanark Village Quilters Group will be showcasing some of their stunning local art and goods. This is a family-friendly event and all are welcome. This is a family-friendly event and all are welcome.
The Souper Celebration continues a legacy started by Jackie Gay back in 1998. In 1998, Jackie Gay, who was an avid supporter of the library, entered her delicious gumbo into the Newman’s Own and Good Housekeeping Recipe Contest. She won and was presented with a check from Paul Newman for $50,000. She donated the proceeds to building the Carrabelle library. Today community volunteers honor Jackie Gay and continue her tradition by providing their own gumbos, soups, and chili to raise funds in support of the Franklin County libraries.
This year the community’s help is needed more than ever. Previously the Rock by the Sea event provided significant funding for the Franklin County library programs. This event has now relocated to Destin and will no longer be supporting local programs in Franklin County. More than ever donations of soups and baked goods from individuals and businesses as well as event sponsors are needed to offset this significant loss of funding. Sign–up sheets for soup, bread, and baked goods will be in the Eastpoint and Carrabelle libraries as well as on the Friends website https://friendsfcpl.com/souper-celebrations/. This funding supports library programs like the Summer Reading Program, Storytimes, ANIME Club, Book Chats, Lego Club, and more. In addition, the Eastpoint library building is maintained by friends with a portion of the cost offset by funding from the Franklin County government. The Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries is a 501(c)(3) organization and most donations are tax-deductible.
Funded in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council. For more information or to make a donation, please contact the Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries by email at ffcplflorida@gmail.com or at https://friendsfcpl.com/souper-celebrations/ or https://www.facebook.com/ffcplfl.
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Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries